Boarden FarmBNG offset site
Local Planning Authority (LPA): Maidstone
National Character Area (NCA): Low Weald
Biodiversity Opportunity Area (BOA): Medway & Low Weald Grassland & Wetland
OS grid ref: TQ 80904 45017
Postcode: TN12 0EB
What3words: ///unicorns.hurls.trek
Habitat units available
A total of 118 area units are available from the following habitat types:
Lowland dry acid grassland (High distinctiveness) - 2.02
Other lowland acid grassland (Medium distinctiveness) - 1.15
Other neutral grassland (Medium distinctiveness) - 77.78
Heathland and Shrub
Mixed scrub (Medium distinctiveness) - 17.25
Lowland mixed deciduous woodland (High distinctiveness) - 2.75
Wet woodland (High distinctiveness) - 11.85
Other woodland; broadleaved (Medium distinctiveness) - 3.53
Ponds and Lakes
Ponds (priority habitat) - 0.84
Ponds (non-priority habitat) - 0.73
Reedbeds (High distinctiveness) - 0.29
Individual trees
Rural trees - 0.28
Site description
The Boarden Farm BNG project area is approximately 44.2 ha and situated around 10 km south of Maidstone in Kent, extending along the river Beult between the villages of Staplehurst and Headcorn.
The River Beult which snakes through the site is a SSSI, designated for its....
The site itself contains several patches of ancient woodland, and part of the Kelsham Farm Orchards Local Wildlife Site. This consists of unmanaged wet semi-natural woodland habitat surrounding ponds and adjacent to the river Beult.
The rest of the landholding is managed as a mixture of arable cropland and modified grassland with native hedgerows throughout.
Our proposals aim to create a mosaic of woodland, neutral grassland, and scrub habitats with scattered ponds. These will support a diverse assemblage of wildlife, and will be particularly favourable for the many woodland edge species that benefit from the shelter of woodland and scrub and the open ground to feed and breed. In addition, transitioning to semi-natural habitats will help to improve water quality and river condition in the River Beult SSSI by reducing nutrient runoff into the river.