Sandwich & Pegwell Bay
Coastal salt marsh restoration feasibility study. Undertaken under funding from H2O Source2Sea project, Interreg funded. Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants partnered with Exo Environmental, a consultancy and Essex University.
The Brief
During Spring/Summer of 2022, Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants undertook ground truthing surveys in Sandwich and Pegwell Bay. The surveys included transects along the shore to carry out salt marsh condition assessments, as well as recording seagrass coverage and potential for native oyster restoration. Sediment samples were taken and analysed by Essex university. Exo Environmental undertook bathymetry surveys on the onshore areas, using grab samples as well as searching for seagrass.
The Benefits
This survey hoped to identify potential points of coastal salt marsh that could be improved by habitat management, and condition elevated along Sandwich and Pegwell Bay. As coastal salt marsh is an important carbon sink this project could go on to highlight a possible NBS project if restoration is feasible. Seagrass is another fantastic carbon storage habitat and provides shelter for many coastal species, if Seagrass is found on site there could be potential to enhance and expand these areas for Blue carbon. Native oysters are in decline nationally and are being squeezed out to isolated areas of the coast. There are known areas in Kent for native oyster reefs and this project could identify any present to expand and restore this native species.
Star Species
Seagrass, native oyster. Coastal salt marsh indicator species (flowers)