Chilston Ponds & PinesBNG offset site
Local Planning Authority: Maidstone
National Character Area: Wealden Greensand
Biodiversity Opportunity Area: Mid Kent Greensand & Gault
OS grid ref: TQ 89592 50629
Postcode: ME17 2FN
What3words: ///flirts.shunning.solicitor
Habitat units available - Surveyed 2024
A total of 40.214 habitat units available from the following habitat types:
Lowland meadows (Very high distinctiveness) - 20.124 units
Lowland dry acid grassland (Very high distinctiveness) - 6.709 units
Other neutral grassland (Medium distinctiveness) - 13.381 units
Site description
Chilston Ponds & Pines is a 10.803 hectare site located approximately 13km northwest of Ashford and 13km southeast of Maidstone, between Lenham and Charing Heath.
The site is a Kent Wildlife Trust nature reserve. There are 12 patches of Ancient and semi-natural woodland within a 1km radius of the site.
Historically, the site formed a parkland, several of it's features can still be found today under the form of veteran oak, sweet chestnut and horse chestnut trees.
The whole site is currently other neutral grassland.
All other neutral grassland will be enhanced to a combination of lowland meadows, lowland dry acid grassland or be enhanced to a better condition. This will be achieved through sensitive practices, aiming to minimise the bracken growth and support a diverse spread of plants specific to acid grassland habitats such as cat’s-ear, mouse-ear hawkweed and low-growing herbs such as sheep’s sorrel and bird’s-foot-trefoil. With long term aims to provide habitats for burrowing insects such as solitary bees.
The site is accessible to the public through kissing gates located along Lenham Heath Road.
Fill out a form at the bottom of this page or email your development's BNG metric to bngenquiries@adonisblue.org.uk for a free BNG consultation.
These units are valid for a maximum of two years, provided site conditions do not significantly change. If more than two years have lapsed between the site survey and habitat works being undertaken, an updated survey will be necessary to ensure recommendations remain valid.
Habitat Transitions
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