Coldharbour FarmBNG offset site
Local Planning Authority: Ashford and Maidstone
National Character Area(s): Low Weald
Postcode: TN27 9DD
OS grid ref: TQ 88457 46472
What3words: ///deeper.eternally.paths
Habitat units available - Surveyed 2023
A total of 309.71 habitat units and 17.88 hedgerow units are available from the following habitat types:
Other Neutral Grassland (Medium Distinctiveness) - 103.82 units
Heathland and Shrub
Mixed Scrub (Medium Distinctiveness) - 134.59 units
Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland (High Distinctiveness) - 0.93 units
Other woodland; Broadleaved (Medium Distinctiveness) - 69.00 units
Ponds and Lakes
Ponds (non-priority) - 1.38 units
Native Hedgerows - 17.88 units
Site description
Coldharbour Farm is an 89.4 hectare site positioned midway between the towns of Ashford and Maidstone. The site is unique as the owners are looking to utilise BNG farm-wide as part of their long established sustainability initiative, and as a means to further increase biodiversity on a farm that already harbours a wide array of species including nightingales and great crested newts.
The site is not subject to any statutory nature conservation designations, and none are located within a 1km radius. There are 3 Ancient and Semi Natural Woodlands within 1km of the site, one of which is immediately adjacent to the northern corner of the site.
Current habitats on the site include modified grassland, other neutral grassland, mixed scrub, lowland deciduous woodland, and ponds (non-priority habitat). Additionally, the site contains 10.64 km of native hedgerows.
Mixed scrub, broadleaved woodland, ponds, and native hedgerows, will be created using a mixture of planting and natural regeneration. Large areas of mixed scrub have been proposed on site to provide suitable nesting habitat for nightingales; several of which have been recorded on the site in recent years. Kent is a nationwide hotspot for nightingales and is one of their last remaining strongholds, with over a quarter of the country’s breeding pairs thought to reside within the county. Given nightingale populations have declined by more than 90% in the last 50 years, Coldharbour Farm is working with the wider Upper Beult Farmer Cluster to help re-build nightingale populations in the area. Additionally, the creation of ponds will benefit a multitude of species ranging from invertebrates to great crested newts, and wading birds such as lapwings.
Other habitats on site will be enhanced to better condition, with modified grassland being enhanced to other neutral grassland. The changes will lead to improved lowland flowering plant communities in uplifted grassland areas, and improved invertebrate diversity in scrub/grassland mosaics.
Wider environmental benefits will include improved water quality, reduced flow rates across the catchment, and associated enhanced flood resilience.
Additional native hedgerows will be planted with existing hedgerows being enhanced to increase connectivity across the site.
Coldharbour Farm is offering a unique opportunity for BNG purchasers to revisit the site they have invested in, using their eco venue as a hub to educate and involve staff, customers, and potentially the local community. The ability to revisit the site annually to see how habitats are developing and evolving over time, makes the investment more tangible, giving all involved a genuine insight into the real benefit they have conferred.
Fill out a form at the bottom of this page or email your development's BNG metric to bngenquiries@adonisblue.org.uk for a free BNG consultation.
These units are valid for a maximum of two years, provided site conditions do not significantly change. If more than two years have lapsed between the site survey and habitat works being undertaken, an updated survey will be necessary to ensure recommendations remain valid.
Habitat Transitions
Site Photos