Furnace FarmBNG offset site
Local Planning Authority: Tunbridge Wells District
National Character Area: High Weald
OS grid ref: TQ 66607 35793
Postcode: TN3 8LF
What3words: ///dialects.mainframe.survive
Habitat units available - Surveyed 2024
A total of 38.527 habitat units, 7.305 hedgerow units and 0.572 watercourse units are available from the following habitat types:
Floodplain wetland Mosaic and CFGM (High distinctiveness) - 5.977 units
Other neutral grassland (Medium distinctiveness) - 30.070 units
Heathland and Shrub
Mixed scrub - (Medium distinctiveness) - 5.258 units
Ponds and Lakes
Pond (non-priority habitat) (Medium distinctiveness) - 1.639 units
Species-rich native hedgerow - 7.305 units
Ditch - 0.572 units
Site description
Furnace Farm extends to some 57 ha and lies around 4.5 miles south-east of Royal Tunbridge Wells, between the villages of Hook Green and Lamberhurst.
The majority of the site currently comprises other neutral grassland and arable cropland with hedgerows, though it also contains river corridor habitat and fragments of ancient woodlands that fall within the Local Wildlife Site TW12 Woods and Pasture near River Teise above Lamberhurst. At least 38 ancient woodland indicator species have been recorded in these woodlands since 1996, suggesting they have been continually wooded for hundreds of years.
Current habitats on site include other neutral grassland, modified grassland, lowland mixed deciduous woodland, cereal crops with a vast array of linear features including line of trees, native and species-rich native hedgerows, species-rich native hedgerows with trees and associated ditches. Individual trees and a priority river (River Teise) are also located on site.
Proposals aim to improve grassland habitats by enhancement through sensitive management opinions. Floodplain wetland mosaic will be created with the aim to produce a habitat suitable to support a variety of wetland plant communities. Mixed scrub will be created to boundary the River Teise running through the site, this will provide nesting habitats for bird species and act as a flood defense.
In addition, species-rich native hedgerows and ditches will be created to allow connectivity between the once fragmented land parcels within the site. With the aim of wildlife using these as corridors to adjoining habitats.
In addition, wet areas of the site will be designed to hold water during heavy rain events, potentially reducing flood risk for local settlements.
Fill out a form at the bottom of this page or email your development's BNG metric to bngenquiries@adonisblue.org.uk for a free BNG consultation.
These units are valid for a maximum of two years, provided site conditions do not significantly change. If more than two years have lapsed between the site survey and habitat works being undertaken, an updated survey will be necessary to ensure recommendations remain valid.
Habitat Transitions
Concerned about your carbon footprint?
For organisations taking voluntary action towards Net Zero, Furnace Farm will also be offering nature-friendly carbon units via Wilder Carbon. Wilder Carbon is Kent Wildlife Trust Group's carbon code which aims to maximise biodiversity and restore natural ecosystem processes while mitigating climate change.
Expressions of Interest
If you would like to be an early investor in the creation of a new Kent Wildlife Trust nature reserve, fill out a form below to secure first access to BNG units or Wilder Carbon credits.
Site Photos