Heather Corrie Vale grassland

Local Planning Authority: Sevenoaks

National Character Area (NCA): North Downs

What3words: ///lively.hush.reach

OS grid reference: TQ564610

Habitat units available - Surveyed 2024

A total of 26.759 units are available from the following broad habitat types.


Other neutral grassland (Medium distinctiveness) - 6.812 units

Lowland calcareous grassland (High distinctiveness) - 5.791 units

Ponds and Lakes

Ponds (non-priority habitat) (Medium distinctiveness) - 0.586 units


Lowland mixed deciduous woodland (High distinctiveness) - 11.126 units

Other coniferous woodland (Low distinctiveness) - 1.747 units

Heathland and Shrub

Mixed scrub - 0.650 units

Individual trees

Individual trees - 0.046 units

Site description

Heather Corrie Vale is a 50 hectare former golf course located about 5 miles northeast of Sevenoaks. Kent Wildlife Trust are restoring it to create a nature reserve that is a haven for people and wildlife and contributes to the fight against climate change. Located in the Kent Downs National Landscape (formerly Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), it is recognised by conservation organisations in the area as an extremely valuable part of the Nature Recovery Network.

The Biodiversity Net Gain site is situated in the northern half of Heather Corrie Vale and covers 16.19ha. Here, other neutral grasslands will be enhanced to a better condition, with parts becoming lowland calcareous grassland, which will support a diverse range of wildflowers and are a particularly important habitat for butterflies and bees.

Mixed scrub, lowland mixed deciduous woodland, other coniferous woodland and individual trees will be enhanced, this will provide a diverse array of tree species and increase floral and fauna within the woodland parcels.

In addition, new ponds will be created across the site to restore natural ecosystem function and improve biodiversity. Created ponds will host a range of plant and invertebrate species, while also providing a natural drinking source for the heritage grazing animals that will naturally maintain the habitat.

These units are valid for a maximum of two years, provided site conditions do not significantly change.  If more than two years have lapsed between the site survey and habitat works being undertaken, an updated survey will be necessary to ensure recommendations remain valid.

Habitat Transitions

Concerned about your carbon footprint?

Other parts of Heather Corrie Vale are part of a flagship pathfinder project for Wilder Carbon to produce high integrity carbon units to support voluntary action towards Net Zero. They are being transformed into a mosaic of broadleaved woodland with heathland, scrub and grassland that will store carbon in the soil and above-ground plant matter via natural ecological processes.