Adonis Environmental Consultants are supporting Kent Wildlife Trust and partners across the South East and nationally with approaches for Nature-based Solutions and biodiversity enhancement for our marine and coastal environment.

Meeting changes in ecology practice

In keeping with local, regional, national and international frameworks for biodiversity, sustainability and climate change, our staff offer sustainable solutions for development and nature’s recovery across the complex habitats and ecosystems in the marine, intertidal and coastal environments.

Utilising a strategic approach to coastal recovery is integral to our work, working to support development alongside nature recovery and benefits to the public across Kent. In the longer term, we aim to provide sustainable, ongoing management to create linked nature recovery networks across Kent and the South East, protecting and enhancing land for the benefit of biodiversity, public users, landowners, NGO’s and partners.

Our Team


  • Nature-based Solutions for coastal land management, specialising in Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
  • Intertidal habitat and species surveys
  • Advice and guidance on issues impacting the freshwater and marine environments.
  • Geographic Information System (GIS), data management and charting services
  • Coastal habitat creation and restoration feasibility studies
  • Advice on all aspects of intertidal and coastal environment work
  • Drone surveys
  • Comprehensive scientific literature reviews and evaluation reports, backed by expertise in scientific report writing and publications
  • Invasive species specialist advice and work
  • Internship programmes
A view of a beach and a body of water

Our Vision

Biodiverse well-connected rivers, coasts and seas which are resilient, supporting ecosystem function and local communities.

Featured Projects

Seagrass bed from above

Transforming the Thames

Transforming the Thames seeks to recover the degraded and fragmented seascape of the Greater Thames Estuary as a world-class coastal wetland for communities and wildlife. To achieve this, we are creating a coastal habitat restoration plan that will contribute towards securing a future in which the Thames Estuary is restored, reconnected and resilient; an outstanding coastal wetland for communities and wildlife.

This is a hugely collaborative project, with many partners, managed by Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and funded by the Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme.

Our role is to lead the development of a sustainable finance strategy to address how habitat restoration will be funded across the Greater Thames Estuary. We are also conducting coastal habitat surveys to outline areas suitable for habitat creation and restoration.  

Learn more
man looking at a fish on a scale knelt down on saltmarsh
© Sherece Kesner

Climate Resilient Coasts

Coastal wetland habitats, namely saltmarsh and coastal floodplain grazing marsh, play pivotal roles in fostering biodiversity and enhancing climate resiliency along estuarine seascapes. These habitats contribute significantly to the health of coastal ecosystems and provide ecosystem services.

Working in tandem with a private landowner and a cohort of supporting partners using their additional technical expertise, we aim to pilot restoring a regionally significant habitat (coastal floodplain grazing marsh) in the Swale estuary which can later be upscaled with private landowners in the whole of North Kent.

The proposal to restore coastal habitat in this area of the Swale provides a whole suite of nature-based solutions; carbon storage, natural flood management, and providing key habitat for a range of species in decline, including breeding and wintering waders

Learn more about coastal wetlands
Two people on a boat smiling at the camera
© Emmie Bowlt

Coastal Explorer Internship

The Coast Explorer Internship Programme (CEIP) offers a unique opportunity for candidates interested in a career in the marine environment to gain skills, knowledge and experience relating to everything marine and coastal.

Adonis Blue manage the running of the Coast Explorer Internship Programme working closely with the The Crown Estate, Vattenfall and Canterbury City Council.

The Coast Explorer Internship Programme was developed in 2016 and has run every summer since. The internship runs from June through to December. For more information about when application are open, see the link below.

Learn more
© Max Renton


Shoresearch is The Wildlife Trusts' national citizen science survey of the intertidal shore. The data collected by this project helps to monitor our fragile sea life and better understand the effects of pollution, climate change and invasive alien species. Shoresearch data has been key to designating many of our Marine Conservation Zones.

As part of the Kent Wildlife Trust Group, we manage Shoresearch and are dedicated to exploring and monitoring intertidal habitats across Kent.

Contact us to learn more

Kent Dolphin Project

Kent Dolphin Project is a collaboration between Sussex Dolphin Project and Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants, part of the Kent Wildlife Trust Group. 

The ultimate objective is to identify individual dolphins/pods, in order to better understand their behaviour, movement, prey species and breeding sites. This data can then be used to protect our marine environment and ultimately safeguard cetaceans in Kent.

The project is currently operating a first phase of landwatch data gathering to establish a baseline of understanding about cetaceans in Kent waters. 

To find out more visit our website

Kent Dolphin Project Website

Case Studies

  • Jack snipe close up
    © Chas Holt

    Thermal Imaging for Nocturnal Birding

  • Trains passing by with a rainbow in the background
    © Sherece Kesner

    Devon Coastal Wetland Blog