Local Planning Authority: Maidstone
National Character Area: Wealden Greensand

Habitat units available - Surveyed 2023

A total of 147.818 habitat units and 11.444 hedgerow units are available from the following habitat types:


Other neutral grassland (Medium distinctiveness) - 107.937 units

Heathland and Shrub

Mixed scrub (Medium distinctiveness) - 8.395 units


Lowland mixed deciduous woodland (High distinctiveness) - 6.491 units

Other broadleaved woodland (Medium distinctiveness) - 24.709 units

Ponds and Lakes

Pond (non-priority habitat) - 0.286 units


Line of trees - 1.207 units
Species-rich native hedgerow - 10.237 units

Site description

BMAT has eight sites for BNG offset units:

These sites are Walk Meadow, Campfield, Fulfields Park, Lagley Park, Reptile Site, Salts Wood, The Quarries and West Lyewood.

More information coming soon....

Fill out a form at the bottom of this page or email your development's BNG metric to bngenquiries@adonisblue.org.uk for a free BNG consultation.

These units are valid for a maximum of two years, provided site conditions do not significantly change.  If more than two years have lapsed between the site survey and habitat works being undertaken, an updated survey will be necessary to ensure recommendations remain valid.

Habitat Transitions

Maps coming soon....