Gwilym Pask-Hale
, BSc (Hons) MSc ACIEEMGwilym joined the Adonis Blue team in July 2023. An ecologist with eight years of experience he has worked for multiple companies across a wide variety of projects from small instances of supervision as an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) to overseeing and leading surveys and translocations for HS2 where thousands of amphibians were safely relocated out of harm’s way.
In terms of reporting experience, Gwilym has extensive experience carrying out preliminary ecological appraisals, ecological impact assessments, mitigation strategies, planning condition compliance reports such as construction environmental management plans (CEMP) and landscape ecological management plans (LEMP) as well as biodiversity net gain assessments utilising every metric from version 2.0 to the current statutory version. He also has extensive experience with QGIS mapping software and provided training in its use.
In terms of surveying, mitigation and enhancement experience, Gwilym has a class one licence to survey Great Crested Newts, and has designed, lead and overseen surveys for roosting as well as foraging and commuting bats, badgers, reptiles, water voles, and nesting birds. In addition to his survey experience, he has also designed and implemented licenced mitigation work for GCN, badgers, nesting birds and roosting bats.