Spuckles WoodBNG offset site
Local Planning Authority: Swale
National Character Area: North Downs
National Landscape: Kent Downs
Biodiversity Opportunity Area: Mid Kent Downs Woods & Scarp
OS grid ref: TQ 96270 52775
Postcode: ME13 0JE
What3words: ///shifters.limbs.jogging
Habitat units available - Surveyed 2024
A total of 14.125 units are available from the following habitat types:
Other neutral grassland (Medium distinctiveness) - 14.125 units
Site description
·Spuckles Wood BNG site is approximately 3.4 ha and is located 19 km west of Canterbury and 11 km northwest of Ashford.
It is part of Spuckles Wood Kent Wildlife Trust Reserve, a 16.3 ha ancient semi-natural woodland, known for its diverse mixture of trees including field maple, oak, hornbeam, hazel, holly, beech, ash, spindle and wild cherry. The extremely rare greater butterfly orchids and delicate lady orchids are also found here.
Both the BNG site and the rest of Spuckles Wood are part of the Spuckles Wood, Stalisfield Green Local Wildlife Site. The designation is in place as it contains ancient broadleaved woodland with 24 ancient woodland indicator plant species recorded on some recent monitoring visits and chalk grassland with 19 indicator plant species recorded recently.
The BNG site comprises one field of neutral grassland with two temporary water bodies, surrounded by species-rich native hedgerows and lines of trees.
Currently, the grassland is in moderate condition, but BNG funds will help to enhance it to good condition, which will increase the number of wildflower species it is home to, and will in turn benefit invertebrates such as butterflies and bees.
Woodland edge habitats such as this are important for a range of species. Birds such as owls, swifts, and swallows using the woodland for shelter and nesting while hunting for food over the fields. Meanwhile, many perching birds require open spaces to perform courting displays, while nesting in trees and shrubs and feeding from seeds and berries available in hedgerows and woodlands. Reptiles also benefit, enjoying sunny spots to bask on, while being able to quickly slither to the safety of the woodland for shelter.
Fill out a form at the bottom of this page or email your development's BNG metric to bngenquiries@adonisblue.org.uk for a free BNG consultation.
These units are valid for a maximum of two years, provided site conditions do not significantly change. If more than two years have lapsed between the site survey and habitat works being undertaken, an updated survey will be necessary to ensure recommendations remain valid.
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